Get 25% off items and FREE SHIPPING by using a group discount code.
Our group discount program offers you an alternative way to order online while receiving lower prices on your purchase. The 25% discount is based on the purchase price of one unit and the group order must have a minimum of 12 items.
How it works:

Additional information:
- You will receive your discount code within 24 hours of your request.
- The head of the group may determine a particular expiration date for the code (generally included in the coupon name for reference). If your group order meets the minimum of 12 items at this point your orders will be processed and shipped within 10-12 business days of the expiration date.
- If your group does not meet the minimum of 12 items when your code expires the discount will not apply and you will be notified via email and your code will be extended until the minimum is met.
- The group order will be shipped to the individual who initially requested the discount code. This person is responsible for dispersing individual orders to their recipients.